The symbol...or glyph...of Virgo is said to be connected to the Immaculate Conception of the Messiah and marks out the letter "M" or the letters "MV" (for "Maria Virgo" or "Virgin Mary"). It is generally assumed to have originated from the star Spica found in the constellation of Virgo and is indicative of female virginity. In Vedic Astrology, this glyph is perceived as being comprised of three vertical lines and another which crosses and joins the uppermost portions. These three lines are said to be representative of the powers of nature acting within the media of time and space, symbolic of action, inertia and harmony. The additional line which crosses and joins is believed to create tension...the struggle of the Spirit in its natural evolution.
Also known as the Sign of the Craftsman or Critic, Virgo is Negative in polarity (as are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).
All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Virgo (ruled by earth) is considered Feminine (as are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be noctural or night-oriented. Therefore, the term "feminine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.
Virgo is the natural ruler of the Sixth House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Service, Work and Health" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Evil Fortune." It signfies the health and strength of individuals as they develop along the path to adulthood, including the personal respect and degree of care a person gives to their body. This House also governs individuals who fall under the care of others but are not relations or kin...servants and employees, for example. It deals with what happens when an individual is called upon to render service and care. It is also the House concerned with family pets and all domesticated animals...particularly the health and well-being of such creatures.
The Sixth House is associated with work ethic and the measure of personal integrity as useful and productive citizens of the world. Within the Sixth House is found the rhythm of an individual's day...the side of a person that decides how he or she would like things to transpire over the coming twenty-four hours...the side which plans a personal schedule. In short, the Sixth House presides over the manner in which humankind functions and is governed by the Planet Mercury (also Planetary Ruler of the Third House).
The opposite sign to Virgo is Pisces. From Pisces, Virgo can learn to let go and swim with the current, freely utilizing the inherent fertile imagination. Thus, can Virgo natives learn to accept human imperfections.
Positive Traits: modest, shy, meticulous, tidy, reliable, practical, diligent, analytical and intelligent
Negative Traits: fussy, hypercritical, harsh, conservative, overly-fastidious, overly-conventional, finicky, a perfectionist and a worrier
Likes: lists, hygiene, order, detail, precision, wholesomeness, health foods and perfection (even in minutiae)
Dislikes: squalor, uncertainty, health hazards, sloppy workers and anything deemed to be sordid
Spiritual Goal: To learn to discriminate between destructive criticism and simple wisdom
Spiritual Correspondence: The Virtues
Apostle: Philip
Prophet: Micah
Anatomy: Rules the hands, abdomen, intenstines, spleen and central nervous system
Corresponding Tarot Card: The Hermit
Associated Countries: Brazil, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Uruguay and the West Indies
Associated Cities: Athens, Corinth, Paris, Boston and Heidelberg
Animals: All Domestic Animals and Solitary Animals
Watchword: Service
Keynote: Purity
Physical Manifestation: Crystallization
Mental Manifestation: Discrimination
Motto: I Wish To Give
Quote: I Analyze