Life will be serious and full of responsibilities on November 3 and 4. Your talent for organization and planning will come to the forefront. The next day the challenge will be to adapt to other people's whims and desires, and to maintain your high standards at the same time. Even your relationships will get feel more heavy and intense on November 5 and 6, improving slightly later in the week. A New Moon in Scorpio on November 9 will open up ways to feel more passion and deep connection with other people and in your work. On Monday, November 12, be careful not to exaggerate or be overconfident. Your workload and obligations will be heavier from November 13 to 15. Be prepared for some long hours, but also to feel good about your accomplishments. Don't be too rigid with schedules or plans. On November 18, try to relax and unwind, and take the opportunity to be less structured. Don't make firm plans or try to control outcomes. November 19 would be a good day to do some research, especially into past actions or events. The next day, watch out for power struggles and aimless arguments. Keep your thinking flexible for a couple of days. With the Moon in Taurus on November 23, you'll be productive and have great concentration. After this day you may find that the erratic nature of the last few months will be less problematic. A Full Moon in Gemini on November 24 will create many distractions until the end of the month.