Monday, January 31, 2011

The Miracle Happened!!!!

It took me awhile to heal myself but the power came from my mind and the power was there all along but I had to reach my own road by myself until I realized I was making myself sick and now I am well.....Namaste


Anonymous said...

I am happy to see your post. I have followed your blog on and off for a while and was worried when I didn't see a post for over a year. Good health and peace to you

Sunamizen said...

Why thank you...buddha shined the light for me...I am healthy, I heal others, I am publishing my bewk, I sing jazz in Killington, I have a big, red, darn barn sale every fri-sat-sunday to finance my new small bizness Second Wind Creations..I do all types of massage in one sliding scale session, I counsel people,I make people smile in stores, I take care of the people I love who love me back, I love my enemies, I love my life..I will be going to Castleton State Music Jazz program after the summer....Life is gewt single! Namaste--Sue-zen