Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Portuguese friends advice for winter.....

"The period of the winter solstice invites us to an amazing birth ofspiritual rejuvenation.For many of us Christmas and its festivities are a paradox as the original context and intention of this period has changed. What was once a time for inner movement has now been externalized as an outer material celebration pushing aside the rich inner world simply to focus on excesses that have taken priority in our modern civilization.

For me this period is a truly important time - a time when we can powerfully connect to the seasons, the energy behind the seasons and the meaning behind the rhythms that support our process of living. Knowledge and wisdoms that our ancestors honored is now more than ever vital for us all to remember. Why not balance the outer with the inner to create a whole new perspective and way of being.? Why not nurture inner actions rather than focus on external aspects? Why not fill this time with meditation and inner contemplation like nature does during this period of stillness and inner growth?

The winter solstice invites an annual process of completion. Become conscious and actual by retreating into the inner world as the days grow shorter and allow bodies rest and rejuvenation. Focus on spiritual health and well-being. An intimate connection with the rhythms of nature once shared with the earth by our ancestors honors the forces of nature and nurtures the blessed union of man with the divine. For our experience of this union to be more present it is good to understand that the equinoxes and solstices are very special times when the solar light touches our being and the earth much more intimately than at any other time of the year.During the winter solstice, which this year falls on December 22, this solar light travels to our emotions and is housed deep within. When nurtured consciously with intention supported by our presence and actions then we can prepare for March 21 which marks the rebirth of spring. (For me March 21 is the beginning of each year rather than January 1. March 21, the equinox, is the time when night and day again are in balance.)

Winter is the season to prepare for rebirth. We can actively create, grow and harvest anything within. Our bodies instinctively rejuvenate during this period allowing the mind and emotions to become clear of what is not our essence. During this time of introspection, why not celebrate by focussing on the progress that you have made, the personal issues that you have resolved, the honoring of who you are and your dreams of who you are. At the same time it is important to look at new ways of exhibiting positive, empowered behaviors. This may initially seem daunting but with honest and clear words and positive and compassionate actions you will activate your limitless potential.

Many may wonder how to be introspective over the Christmas period as our role model culture has diverted and cleverly taken this aspect that should be natural and part of everyone's life away by solely focussing on the externals of life. A more enlightened approach to Christmas would be to devote as much time as is devoted to shopping expeditions, gluttony and excess consumerism to time for appreciation of oneself and the simple joys of the beautifulworld that we live in. These words are not simply philosophical or an idea but an invitation to enhance your spiritual awareness of what is truly important for you, for your family, for your community, for the environment and for the planet.You can choose. You have a choice and your choice makes a difference.

Why not help yourself to strengthen this sense of freedom to choose what is really important for yourself by spending time in silence, by spending time to cleanse the body or by choosing an issue in your life that you wish to change so that it is no longer an issue and give this as the gift to yourself and your community rather than disguised and superficial gifts of materialism? Why not offer yourself new insights? Why not offer yourself the great possibility to release old energy patterns? Why not experience deep moments of peace? Why not experience true connections to the world around you?This can be done through the action of, what I call, self-oservation.

Imagine yourself in a very detached way watching yourself and your actions as an objective observer, as if you are in a theater. Watch the whole story unfold as you remain comfortably breathing and relaxing in the centre of your heart. This will help you to pay attention to all of your unnecessary actions and reactions. You will be amazed at how your thoughts and emotions will respond in a wonderfully creative way to transcend the old patterns and thereby gift yourself with new possibilities for inner growth .The theatrical mind tends to be such a monkey. Remember, your thoughts and emotions create your reality rather than some coincidence that is out of your control. It is so simple to get caught in confusion and so easy to lose touch with our hearts and what is really going on. It is so easy to project this confusion onto the external world as this is what our collective culture is doing.

Media and societal expectations and indoctrinations are racing in a futile bid to fill the empty spaces within with materialism rather than trying to remedy this inner lack through self-observation and contemplation. When confronted with the excesses of food remember to eat simply and compassionately. The body needs light rather than the imprints of the suffering and pain caused to innocent animals. When confronted by the excesses of consumerism remember yourself, your essence. Excesses do not fulfill your essence as they are temporary in nature and lead to the wanting of more. Why not appreciate and share your true abundance? When confronted with the excesses of societal, family and other personal dynamics be patient, compassionate and diligent. Remember not to get stuck in fear or doubt but rather be ready to take positive action.

In these situations that perhaps bring up parts of yourself that you do not wish to become, focus on the path of change and find a safe space where you can allow your essence to flow in a natural way. When you embrace this enlightening approach of exploration enhanced by self-observation you create clarity for yourself. Use this solstice time and energy to grow spiritually. Get to know your thoughts and the inner processes of your mind and emotions. Delete the negatives that limit yourself. Create a healthier reality, a healthier inner space, a healthier belief system for your life through your wonderful actions. Your essence will emerge from this nurturing and you will feel renewed and ready to truly celebrate a new cycle of life - the rebirth of the light."

Tony Samara
December 2007

PS Thank you Tony. I needed that. I'm a Chinese monkey and I grew tired of jumping from limb to limb. I will take your advice. Luckily I have no money so I can't get caught up in the Xmas shopping frenzy. 3 presents is all and one for the dog-je. Thank you again. Tsunami-zen

1 comment:

Madame7 said...