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Medication Pollution Spreads: Water Supply of 24 U.S. Cities FoundContaminated with Pharmaceuticals
by Mike Adams(NaturalNews)
Analysis of tap water supplies in major metropolitan areasconducted by the Associated Press has revealed that the water supply in 24major U.S. cities -- serving over 40 million people -- are contaminatedwith trace amounts of pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, anti-seizuremedications, anti-inflammatory drugs, psychotropic drugs, pain medicationsand even caffeine. The upshot of the report is that tens of millions ofAmericans are unwittingly being subjected to a bizarre medical experimentwith unpredictable results. No scientist can say for certain whetherlong-term exposure to micro doses of multiple pharmaceuticals is safebecause such an experiment has never before been conducted on anypopulation.One of the most startling realizations of the study is that Americans arenow using so many medications that their own biological waste products arebecoming large-scale environmental pollutants. Yet neither the EPA nordrug companies have yet said anything useful about attempts to protect theenvironment from the chemical toxicities of pharmaceutical waste. Drugcompanies have so far pretended the problem doesn't exist. Their goal isto simply sell more drugs, and they seem to be entirely unconcerned aboutwhat happens after a typical medication consumer flushes the toilet andsends the toxic chemicals downstream.If trace amounts of multiple pharmaceuticals are now in the tap watersupplies, it also means that any use of tap water involves the furtherspread of those pharmaceutical chemicals. Watering your lawn, for example,means spraying small amounts of pharmaceuticals on your lawn. Forranchers, watering their cows, pigs or chickens also means dosing thoseanimals with small amounts of pharmaceuticals, and for public schools inthe affected cities, all the water fountains used by the children are nowfunctioning as mass medication dispensing machines.The most dangerous medical experiment in the history of our nationThe mass medication of America has now turned into a grand medicalexperiment that exposes infants, children, expectant mothers, seniorcitizens, voters, law enforcement officers, doctors and everybody else toa combination of drugs known to have extremely dangerous, mind-alteringside effects when taken in full doses. And yet this mass medication of thepopulation is being conducted with no doctor visits, no prescriptions, noconsent and no medical assessment whatsoever. It is essentially amandatory medication carpet-bombing of the entire population.We can only guess what the results will be a generation from now. Butclues can be gathered by watching the impact of such drugs on aquaticorganisms. Amphibians exposed to very low doses of these types ofchemicals, for example, begin to grow dual sex organs and sufferwidespread infertility problems. Deformities in fish are beingincreasingly reported in rivers, and the world's oceans now have over ahundred "dead zones" where agricultural runoff and medication runoff havecombined to form a toxic aquatic poison that kills all fish. This is thesame water being used to create tap water in U.S. cities.What's in recycled urine, anyway?I remember hearing people snicker when they learned that NASA wasrecycling urine on the space shuttle and that astronauts would be drinkingeach other's recycled urine. Well guess what, folks? In major U.S. cities,almost everybody is drinking somebody else's recycled urine!And guess what's in that urine? Toxic medications, caffeine, painkillers,and a cocktail of other chemicals like personal care product fragrances,pesticides and more. It's enough to make you sick. Literally.Guess what else? This is the water used to make sodas and other beveragesat local bottling plants. So every time you pick up a can of soda anddrink it, not only are you getting the dangerous chemicals intentionallyadded to those sodas -- like aspartame and phosphoric acid -- you're alsogetting trace amounts of medication chemicals recycled from other peoples'urine, too! Yum!Water treatment plants don't remove medication chemicals from the water!Many consumers mistakenly believe that water treatment plants actuallyremove these contaminants, but that's not true. Municipal water treatmentfacilities do remove large solids (like dirt, sand and leaves), but theyonly sanitize the water by adding chlorine to kill microorganisms. Theydon't actually remove toxic chemicals from the water. Only distillation --a highly energy-intensive process -- removes everything from the water(including the minerals).A few cities treat their water with ozone, which is a far healthier methodthat avoids the use of toxic chlorine (which is linked to bladder cancer).Ozonation can break down some -- but not all -- medications. So what aboutcountertop filters that use carbon blocks? I'm going to find out theanswer to that question later this week when I interview Aquasana, thecompany that makes countertop filters and shower filters. I'll be sure toask them for technical details about the ability of their filters toremove trace amounts of pharmaceuticals. That's suddenly an increasinglyimportant question to consumers who don't want to consume toxic chemicalsin their water.Terrorists couldn't have done a better job of poisoning AmericaWhat's really interesting in all this is that the water supply is oftencited as a security vulnerability to the nation; a weakness in the defensewhere terrorists could easily dump chemicals and poison the Americanpeople. But why would they bother? Drug companies have already poisonedthe water supply for them!And just in case the medication chemicals in the water aren't enough topoison the nation, many water treatment facilities add even more poison inthe form of artificial fluoride chemicals that cause bone loss and weakenthe immune system. Terrorists could hardly do a better job of poisoningthe water supply than what corporate America has done already... with thehelp of criminally negligent government regulatory agencies, of course.That brings us to the Environmental Protection Agency, a corruptorganization that has now sold out to big business. Read the followingarticle to learn how the EPA now conspires with the chemical industry tocensor scientists who try to protect the public from toxic chemicals: EPA has taken no action whatsoever to regulate or eliminate thepresence of pharmaceutical chemicals in the water supply. Apparently, theEPA doesn't mind the fact that infants, babies and pregnant women are nowdrinking six different medications in their tap water. The agency remainseither silent on the issue or in agreement with the corrupt scientists whosay the levels of contamination are too low to really matter. But intruth, nobody knows the health effects of combining multiple low-dosepharmaceuticals and feeding it to the population. Anybody who says there'sno risk of harm is simply lying.How to avoid contaminated waterThe solution to all this? On a personal level, you'll need to avoiddrinking tap water, period. Or filter it really well. Distillation, as Imentioned, is very energy intensive (which makes it bad for globalwarming), but it does get the water very, very clean. Other consumer-levelwater filters may remove some amount of pharmaceuticals, but I don't haveall the facts on that yet, so I'm not going to make any recommendationsuntil I learn more.But I am researching it, so stay tuned to and subscribe toour e-mail newsletter at'll be sure to e-mail an announcement when I have new information aboutthe effectiveness of consumer water filters.Get your medications for free!The funny part in all this is that if medication trends continue and thepresence of pharmaceuticals in the water supply continues to increase, itmight get to the point where you no longer need to pay for medications atall! Need some anti-inflammatory drugs? Just drink the water!Of course, it might be better described as "drinking Big Pharma'skool-aid," because the pharmaceutical industry is now founded on acult-like belief in chemicals promoted by commissioned drug reps,psychiatric zealots and mind-numbed doctors. The level of irrationalbelief in the power of pharmaceuticals has reached such a fervor that itcan only have been made possible by a mass brainwashing of gullibleprofessionals. They have schools dedicated to this dark art -- they'recalled "med schools."Seriously, this tap water contamination is yet one more reason to considerleaving the city and moving closer to nature. America is now sointoxicated with medications that they're showing up in the water! Do yourealize how many people have to be taking (and flushing) drugs to get tothat point? It means that the nation has become a chemical consumptionquagmire that has now poisoned the people, the land, the air and thewater.The people of America deserve better. Problem is, they're too drugged upto know it! Don't you find it interesting, by the way, that the EPA iswarning everybody about the environmental dangers of colloidal silver, yetutterly ignoring the environmental dangers of pharmaceutical antibiotics?It's an interesting double standard...
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