Wednesday, April 9, 2008


All Aboard!
Venus Trine Uranus
Apr 10, 2008 to Apr 12, 2008

Finally, the world -- and the people around you -- are moving at a pace you're comfortable with. Sure, it's hectic, but at the moment, it suits you just fine. Just remember that getting them up to speed isn't the problem. Helping them to stay there is.

Venus Trine Uranus
Apr 10, 2008 to Apr 12, 2008

Can you really meet the cutie of your dreams? Well, if you'd stop looking for loopholes, you could. Is this it? You bet.

Mars Sextile Jupiter
Apr 6, 2008 to Apr 10, 2008

You're going through an intense personal growth spurt. You'll notice it more when you're asked to do something you'd never have tried before -- and you pull if off with flying colors.

Mercury Quincunx Jupiter
Apr 10, 2008

To say that you'll be walking a fine line won't quite do today's balancing act justice. Your best defense is to listen well and only speak when spoken to.

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