Monday, July 2, 2007

Okay.....Klonogooping This Week...Temporarily Disconnected


Keep yourselves busy while I yam hurtily healing and air trafic controlling several endeavors simultaneously from the careening cockpit of my soul's centrifugal constellation...without sleep......I use big words I get points?!
June 28-July 4

Aries: (March 21-April 19):There aren't enough hours in the day for you to get everything handled. Luckily your energy level is high enough to deal with it, but part of you longs for more peace and quiet. Split between the demands of others and the demands you place on your self there has to be some kind of balance. Setting boundaries and saying 'No' once in a while are both permissible. If your partner is bitching about the fact that their needs aren't being met, let them know that it's about time they figured out how to take care of themselves.

Taurus: (April 20-May 20): If you're wondering how things got to be this complicated I'm here to tell you, you engineered this crisis your self. What you have a hard time seeing is that one of your favorite tricks is manufacturing emergencies just so that you can get the credit for being the one who steps in and saves the day. The reason no one's coming around to help you out of this mess is because they are sick and tired of feeding into your machinations. This is your baby now. And hopefully, saving the day will teach you never to do it again.

Gemini: (May 21-June 21): Certain things are beginning to make more sense. The people you've been trying to heal are sicker than you imagined and your efforts to fix them have drained all of your resources. Nothing will change until you stop feeding into their issues and start taking better care of your self. Helping others often does nothing but make them weaker and that's what's happening here. As soon as you release the need to save them from themselves they will either wake up or show their true colors once and for all.

Cancer: (June 22-July 22): If you've got something to say it's safe to come out and say it. Those who before could have faulted you for telling it like it is, wouldn't even dare to at this point. As you make the facts known more than one thing could blow up, but you've known for a long time how precarious things are. Getting things out in the open will be a relief. Even if your reputation goes down the tubes what comes out of that will loan others a more truthful perception of who you really are and give them a chance to see what they did.

Leo: (July 23-Aug. 22): You've strengthened your position by giving your self more than one option. If it seems as if playing both ends to the middle requires some level of dishonesty don't get too puritanical about it. Taking care of our selves often involves doing what's expedient and it's stupid to be honest with people who aren't being totally honest with you. It'll be interesting to see what comes out of this. Separating the wheat from the chaff is essential to your growth right now. You'll know who's for real and who isn't within two months.

Virgo: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):The last few months have taught you a lot about your own strength. What you had to spend years pretending wasn't true has suddenly revealed it self to be more real than the lie you forced your self to agree to. Reclaiming your power came at a high price. Now that you have it back nothing can stop you. Others are freaking out about this. Don't be surprised when they come around soliciting your favor, but don't get sucked in. The ball's in your court right now and you have the power to do anything you want with it.

Libra: (Sept. 23-Oct. 23):The fears that keep you from moving forward have been following you around since you were a child. If people and situations don't seem to be responding to your efforts, it's because all of your early programming conditioned you to expect nothing. That was then and this is now. Tell your inner child to relax and tell the adult in you to start acting its age. You don't need to keep feeding the notion that it's your job to diminish your self, or continue with any involvement that offers you no reward.

Scorpio: (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Things appear to be going nowhere. What you thought was meant to be has suddenly turned into the last thing you want to do. You're discovering that waking up may be even harder than breaking up. Why the two always seem to go together is one of life's greatest tricks. Try not to be rattled by any of this. What you're beginning to see is that all of your choices have been made according to someone else's plan. Reconnecting with the things that matter to you will involve rocking the boat, but you have no choice.

Sagittarius: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):You have no clue how you're going to pull this off. There was a time when you had enough financial padding to insulate you against anything. Now that it's gone, you are here learning how to trust the universe to show you the way. If the things that you're involved in don't seem to be offering you enough certainty, you can comfort your self knowing that at some point they will weave themselves into a support system that will provide you with everything you need, including what money can't buy.

Capricorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Everything is coming to a head and you're the one who has to handle it. With this much going on you can't even try to think or plan. All of these dilemmas are beyond your control. The best you can do is just stay in the moment and realize that as gnarly as this looks it will all eventually get straightened out by who or whatever's really in charge. What's puzzling you more than anything is why you always wind up being the one to manage everything when it's really other people who created the problem.

Aquarius: (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Anyone else would be perfectly satisfied with your life exactly the way it is. What you can't figure out is why this just isn't doing it for you anymore. You've got other ways to approach your life. If you don't already know what they are, start dreaming. Making any kind of change affects every other aspect of our reality. Right now there are a million and one reasons to leave your relationship. The philosophical differences alone would make anyone else be gone by now. Don't get too hung up trying to make this work.

Pisces: (Feb. 19-March 20): Your insecurities and fears are all over the place. You keep trying to put on a happy face when the truth is you're freaking out on more than one level. We all go through this. Instead of running away, at least try to tell the truth about it and stop criticizing your self for being human. So many things need to change. Part of you knows this and another part of you isn't sure whether or not you will survive if they do. You really don't have a choice right now. Postponing the inevitable won't make things easier.

1 comment:

-Mirage said...

Mommy? R U OK? Please don't forget your Christ Self..... I won't for you either.....
Your Twi-em-child