I have been told that I am very strong. Responsive....Yes you could say that about me as well. Sometimes, howevere, I am too responsive for my own good such as my impulsivety and large heart that told me to take in a complete stranger out of the psycho ward at the local hospital as he had nowhere to go and had been kind to me in a cold place. Now he is here....with no end in sight. I am going startk raving mad. I had this friend eric that turned out to be a pathological liar and a thief and a disrespectful drunk to say the least. I could go on. Now I have spent all my time trying to FIX Victors life and have spent NO TIME fixing mine and again the gas and money have run out. There is food. Today we got handouts from the local organization who could do nothing else as Victor owns stocks. So what do I do Buddha? Please tell me. I am at a loss. Do I keep this man here until he sells his stocks or gets his stock certificate which he TORE UP in a temper tantrum or gets a lawyer to get him disability. That could take years??????? There is no room at the local shelter. He has no family that will help him. Buddha please tell me what to do. I am going to go out to open mike. I need an outlet. I promise I wont drink or if I do will take a cab. I am as fat as a house from the medication. Mike is coming for thanksgiving. Yay! Another man to drive me crazy. If he comes on to me I will scream. I want my cloud pop back my double scorpio so bad. Buddha send him home. This time it will be different. I have learned many lessons.
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