Chinese Zodiac Signs
- Rat
- Ox
- Tiger
- Rabbit
- Dragon
- Snake
- Horse
- Sheep
- Monkey
- Rooster
- Dog
- Pig
Chinese Zodiac Elements
- Wood
- Fire
- Metal
- Earth
- Water
Our experts at OnlineChineseAstrology.com have complied a list of your auspicious/lucky days for November according to Chinese Astrology. These times are converted from the Chinese (Lunar) Calendar to the Western (Solar)Calendar. Here is a list of the auspicious/lucky days and unlucky days for November categorized by activity.
Our experts at OnlineChineseAstrology.com have compiled a list of your auspicious/lucky and inauspicious/unlucky days for November according to Chinese Astrology. These times are converted from the Chinese (Lunar) Calendar to the Western (Solar)Calendar. Here is a list of the auspicious/lucky days and unlucky days for November categorized by activity.The following are auspicious/lucky days to get your haircut or go to the hair salon according to Chinese Astrology: November 1, 2, 13, 15, 18, 22, 23, 25 and 27. Unlucky days to go to the hair salon: November 9 and 19.The following are auspicious/lucky days to sign contracts or agreements according to Chinese Astrology: November 9 and 29.The following are auspicious/lucky days to get engaged according to Chinese Astrology: November 9, 16, 18 and 21.The following are auspicious/lucky days to get married according to Chinese Astrology: November 1, 5, 11, 16, 17, 18, 26, 28, 29 and 30. Unlucky days for Marriages: November 1, 13 and 25.
The following are auspicious/lucky days to meet new friends or network according to Chinese Astrology: November 22, 28 and 30.The following are auspicious/lucky days to seek medical treatment according to Chinese Astrology: November 30.The following days are unlucky and you should avoid during any important activities on these days: November 6, 7 and 19.
As the end of the Western and Chinese Year approaches, we can begin to look back on the events of the past year and begin to look forward to the events of the new year. In Chinese Astrology, we are drawing to the close of a 12 year cycle with the year of the Fire Pig and beginning a new 12 year cycle with the year of the Earth Rat. The Earth Rat year marks a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. What will the year of the Earth Rat have in store for you?
Go to http://www.onlinechineseastrology.com to find out!!!!
I am a Monkey:
The Monkey Personality
The Monkey symbolizes fun and versatility. You are likely to be unpredictable, witty, and charming, engineered to make the rest of us happy. You also have the potential to be competent, if not expert, at many and varied tasks. You also have a serious side and can be a formidable competitor in business or on the athletic field. Underneath your playful exterior is a real competitive streak and loads of self-confidence. You also are good at adapting to change or changing situations.You tend to spend a lot of time in your head, even to the point of thinking too much. You could be quite clever, second only to the crafty Rat. You are naturally curious and develop a broad knowledge of many different subject areas. It helps that you’re perceptive and pick up on things that others miss. And, your cleverness extends to mind and body. And, you’re also a shrewd judge of character. You can be unrealistically romantic and an over confident gambler. That’s understandable in a way given your quick mind allows you to make it through situations that foil others. Still, if you take enough risks, your gambling instincts could be your downfall.
The Monkey In Relationships
Of all the signs the Monkey is most adept at bringing joy into our lives. You thrive in social settings and are not beyond playing little games with the rest of us. It’s so much fun we line up to be done in again. You also are often witty and a good conversationalist, the person we truly want to be around at any party or social function. Although Monkeys create a lot of joy in the world, they are unfortunately not as good at making themselves happy. Your partner may find that it takes a lot of work to do it for you, and that it takes only a little something to ruin it. You thus need a patient partner and one who is willing to work for your happiness. Finally it must be said the Monkey has a reputation for being a flirt and the most promiscuous of the 12 Chinese signs. Can’t let all that charm go to waste! Nevertheless, once you settle down and truly make a lifelong commitment, you are likely to be more faithful than most people are.
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