Not only do some of us get abused mentally and physically as children but we are given a BONUS folks...
A lifetime and shoebox of dysfunctional protective behavior labeled personality disorders to sort out for the rest of our lives...behaviors developed as a result of the abuse to protect us...from being hit over the head repeatedly....Self Help Codependent Hell after 40!
Not to mention the propensity to develop chronic illness as a result of a weakened immune system from the constant emotional trauma....
And the attraction to people LIKE the ones that abused us ta boot! In order to get the LOVE we never did from out parents or siblings....Toxic relationhips ....Codependence...Relationships with avoidants or abusers....people we TRY so hard to get to love us.....that ignore our NEEDS....that we CRASH and BURN trying to get through to them.....as they run because we are too NEEDY and TOO MUCH LIKE WORK.....but when we ignore them....THEY COME BACK.....Love Addiction.
People wonder why we drank???
No Big Secret Here
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