Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The more you learn the lesson the least you repeat it?

A lesson from a friend. Am I doing something over and over and not realizing it? I'm still not sure. Maybe when I start feeling a tad better I try something new? A different brand of something or a different store for meat? Everytime I cut my steak I pray it does not contain unlabeled injected msg and phosphates. I suppose I could stop eating meat but I get so weak without it. I can't afford organic. Maybe I just have to stick with the things and people I know are safe and not toxic. The journey is the lesson. The pain is the lesson. What not to do. Try not to do too much each day even though it is my nature. I am not comfortable with being idle. I like to accomplish things each day...check them off my list. Thinking I am worthy if I show some sort of work completed. I am not used to looking at my home askew and unmanicured...I supposed I must learn to live amidst incompletion.
Sore Bones

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