I have found a website called Digital Emotions that I thought you all might enjoy. See the excerpt down below and URL linkage.
I have been experiencing surges of raw emotion for quite some time since quitting drinking.
Yesterday was my first drink TRIGGER day...I had to take a look at it today and identify the emotions that swept over me...they were of frustration with people, abandonemnt and alienation, going above and beyond once again affecting my health, anger at a person for not coming through on their promise, resentment at a person for making me feel (or I made myself feel) that the relationship was becoming very one-sided...in other words...that I was always doing things for the other person who is a bit selfish and dependent and the other person was doing very little back to compensate which to me is the balance necessary in a friendship...but again, maybe I expect too much of slower moving type B people who do not go quite at my pace..but I have been lauded over and over again at my jobs for my sense of time urgency attention and knowledge...in other words I know that something HAS TO BE DONE in a certain time frame and I adhere to that no matter what. To my demise sometimes it seems. I certainly see that I need to be with a person of similar values (a mate I mean) because if I am with a person who is very lackadaisical and lazy I know it won't work. I will end up resentful because I will be doing all the work. I also know that I will need to be with a man who loves to cook because in my life I have been the one that always cooks. I need someone who jumps in and cooks from time for me! And of course, he will have to be musically inclined and computerific....a writer, reader and a communicator. Someone who says what they FEEL emotionally and expresses themselves...I cannot pull words from a stone anymore. I do not want to have to "figger someone out" again.
The picture I have posted is of resentment above.....
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wizardom to know the difference."
This is taken from the website:
The concept of emotions has been somewhat vague for me throughout my life. I have, during certain moments of my life, experienced feelings and emotions that I could not quite define. There's been times, I've claimed I was cultivating certain emotions, yet my thoughts and actions betrayed such claims. I've come to understand that emotions and feeling can be very subtle, fleeting, very elusive at times. Still, there are those times when emotions become all consuming and powerful.......sometimes dangerous.
I needed something that would enable me to better define, and understand what I was feeling. Using my computer as a medium, I have over time compiled images to help me express my emotions, my thoughts, and my actions. I realize that many will view these images, and feel something other than what they are entitled......and that's okay. What I would like to suggest, is that you peer deep within these images, allowing yourself to feel......really feel. These images will ignite some type of emotional response, provoking many moving thoughts within you.
I needed something that would enable me to better define, and understand what I was feeling. Using my computer as a medium, I have over time compiled images to help me express my emotions, my thoughts, and my actions. I realize that many will view these images, and feel something other than what they are entitled......and that's okay. What I would like to suggest, is that you peer deep within these images, allowing yourself to feel......really feel. These images will ignite some type of emotional response, provoking many moving thoughts within you.
Knowledge Iz Power
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