A very good male friend taught me this lesson and I would like to impart or share it with the men (and women) out there that THINK sex is love. Sex IS a form of expressing love and intimacy but in my life I have had enough sex without love and after having sex with love I now know the difference.
The men and women out there that think having sex the first time you meet someone is okay need to learn a lesson. This closeness you feel is NOT love...it maye FEEL like love but it's knot!
Spend some thyme with the object of your affections without sex..cuddling is OKAY...massage...TLC but keep secs out ofthe picture...if you find you LOVE spending time with this person THEN you can gently enter the physical arena.
My good friend told me that SEX gets in the way of true love and he is right.
Learn to love yourself....then you can love another....then when you do have sex it will be MAKING LOVE.......
Please all you Impulsive leg humpers....
Can you hear me now? Touch my soul and feel my inner spirit and then maybe you may touch my physical being.
Sunami Celebates
1 comment:
I feel that... Good post.
~Knot the friend~
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