Virgo natives tend to move in a controlled, thought-oriented and grounded fashion. These are individuals who are ruled by the mind and will invariably give their love slowly and with immense seriousness. They dislike overt displays of emotion and grand gestures of attention, which causes them to retreat within themselves in order to escape. Since those governed by Virgo are prone be controlled souls, their emotions also fall into the same category. Once the heart of a Virgo has been captured, then the loved one becomes a receptor to all the feelings and passions that this individual has been keeping inside. On occasion, even more expectations and conditions may be piled onto a partner simply because that mate is now holding Virgo's cherished feelings and dreams. When in love, natives of this Sign are devoted, loyal and nurturing. Virgo possesses high self-expectations and equally lofty expections of those who are loved. They adore strength...particularly that of the dignified and quiet variety. They will tend to...and take care of...loved ones with a diligence and focus since they consider it has become their "job" to do so. The condition of being in love must make sense to those governed by this Sign. In short, it has to fit into their idea and ideal of what life is all about. Once an individual has managed to slip into one of Virgo's dreams or plans, then the Virgo native will embrace that picture for ever. These are souls who will go out of their way to make a union work and spare no sacrifice in keeping that union alive. In terms of physical intimacy, those ruled by Virgo require a certain setting...a definite layer of built-up trust and privacy...in order for their passionate side to emerge and be ready to play. Cleanliness will always be of paramount importance, as will the right conditions. By nature, Virgo individuals are shy, particularly when it comes to sensual needs, but a potential partner should not be fooled into thinking there is no fire lurking below the surface. With a trusted mate, subjects of Virgo can become as devoted, focused and exploring in the romantic arena as they are about making their life work. They have a totally uninhibited potential for physical intimacy, which can be almost lustful, while still retaining a sense of purity. Virgo is notorious for high standards in selecting a partner, but once those standards have been met, then pure sensual pleasure will be the reward.
Those who fall under the jurisdiction of Virgo have the reputation of being cool, undemonstratative and even frigid in their attitude toward love. However, this is something of a misconception. Just as the calmest waters can be the deepest, so it is with Virgo. These natives need to express their innermost emotions in an almost self-sacrificial manner, which is why they give so much of themselves to a cause that interests them...or a way of life that they feel is the only way. Thus, if that way of life should be a lifelong committment, then they will be totally dedicated to making it a success. These are souls who can be extremely withdrawn, especially with strangers. In essence, they only appear loving to those who know them best. Virgo requires a partner who is tranquil...one who provides a solid foundation for happiness. This Sign is earthbound in its moral outlook, which is not to imply there is no spiritual side to the Virgo nature, merely that its subjects do not float or drift. Virgo individuals are rooted...deeply rooted...in their fundamental beliefs. Hence, they are unmoved by more aerial or light-hearted spirits. It is impossible to flatter these natives by way of charm and they cannot be overcome by show, or overwhelmed by admiration for the flashy or glitzy. These souls know what they want, both in love and in life, and will pursue the person of choice with much determination. In short, the Virgo nature is one that truly shines...generous in unmaterial things while remaining careful in every other respect. Virgo natives will be happy only with the one partner they believe to be ideal in every way and they are willing to wait until that individual comes along.
Those governed by Virgo prefer partners who are neat, clean, punctual, trustworthy, hard-working and as near perfect as possible. This may be something of a tall order, but Virgo would not normally ask for one iota more that he or she is willing to try to give or do for a mate. These are souls who find it virtually impossible to either understand or tolerate anything...or anybody...who fails to live up to personal potential, or at least strives very hard to do so. Virgo natives are willing to lend assistance, but a partner must be open to following suggestions and teachings...even if such advice may sound more like criticism rather than loving and constructive guidance. Those ruled by this Sign are quite pleased to hear favorable comments directed toward them, but must be certain that such compliments are not falsely given, otherwise the relationship is sure to suffer, creating more harm than good. Despite the tendency of Virgo to deliver criticism, its natives are generally unable to accept the same. This may seem unfair, but it should be remembered that those born under this Sign believe themselves to be seriously lacking in the area of perfection. Indeed, they are inclined to be so totally aware of their faults that they can stand very little criticism from others and still maintain any satisfactory degree of self-respect. A potential mate should allow the Virgo individual to be of service in order to avoid feelings of disappointment on Virgo's part. Subjects of this Sign like to work and serve others in a constructive and meaningful way. Any person who would aspire to a long lasting union with a Virgo native should take great care not to allow him or her to feel unneeded or unnecessary, for this will certainly result in disaster and an end to the relationship.
When it comes to long term commitments, life with a Virgo individual must be orderly for the relationship to flourish. Some Virgo natives may live in a messy house with overflowing laundry and unorganized shelves but deep within, there will always be a sense of strict control that is directed into some facet of life. These individuals are caretakers and need to feel comfortable enough to slip into that role. They are prone to nag and criticize, but usually have their mate's best interests at heart. Virgo is not adverse to taking on more than his or her share of work and once committed, will stay committed. Natives of this Sign are time-oriented and crave schedules. They are unable to tolerate a partner who is constantly late or one that has a scattered life energy.
Perhaps the most apt description of the Virgo female is "discriminating." It is probably no accident that the glyph for this Zodiac Sign often depicts a woman bearing a sheaf of wheat, for separating the wheat from the chaff is something that the Virgo woman does best. For example, she will want to know the details of any partner's daily activities and the most recent project undertaken. More than anything else, females ruled by Virgo demand action rather than just words. Relatively soon in any relationship, she will seek a commitment, which includes a ring on her finger and cash in the bank for that summer residence in the country. Of all the Zodiac Signs, the Virgo woman certainly cannot be trifled with and it would be a grave mistake to underestimate her or fail to include her in every plan made. This female is perfectly capable of setting goals and overcoming any odds to reach them. Unlike some of the other Signs, this female truly knows what she is all about, and only if she can be accepted as a full partner will she become a wonderful asset...one who is always there when needed. Virgo females also need to know exactly where they stand. She is not necessarily adverse to a brief romantic fling, as long as she is made aware of that fact from the very beginning. The most enlightened of Virgo women are those who have developed both their intellectual and spiritual sides. Such females are extremely powerful, magnetic and charming individuals...ones who can possibly sway an entire nation, if not the whole world. A major problem common to women governed by Virgo is their tendency toward hypochondria. They are so centered on being perfect that they are inclined to imagine ailments and disease whenever they feel the slightest bit out of sorts. In truth, however, these females rarely require medicine at all and usually live long and useful lives, often appearing many years younger than their actual age. In the romantic arena, this woman is often more responsive to the mind rather than the body, with a tendency toward being passive rather than active. She seldom smolders with passion, desire or longing and will certainly never worship the ground any prospective partner walks on. Essentially, this is a female who plays it very cool.
Positive Aspects Of Virgo In Love:Nurturing - Devoted - Uninhibited - Caring - Loving - Sacrificial - Quiet - Considerate - Protective
Negative Aspects Of Virgo In Love:Cold - Calculating - Judgmental - Compulsive - Tendency to be Undemonstrative and Overly Critical
Romantic Style:Modest - Fastidious - KindVirgo natives are genuinely modest, which makes for truly charming souls who often seem to play hard to get while not deliberately being so. Though devoted to those they love, Virgo individuals would be wise to keep a tight rein on their tendency to nag. This is a Sign that is prone to set high standards, both on a personal level and with regard to others...particularly loved ones. Hence, those ruled by Virgo are frequently beset with disappointment. In addition, Virgo is something of a fussy Sign with an orderly nature that is both prim and proper. This extends to all areas of life and a sudden spurt of raw and naked emotion can be rather upsetting to those governed by Virgo, breaking their life rhythm. These natives are capable of white-hot passion, but everything must be exactly right and proper...precisely neat and clean.
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