Mebbe if I Rub My New Lamp A Genie Will Appear And Tell Me Who Loves Me Most???? Although It's probably The Dog!!
Aries: (March 21-April 19): On some level all of your relationships are similar to the one you have with your mother. All the disappointment she created shows up in your connections to others to give you an opportunity to heal the original wound. It is through love that your spirit learns what it needs to do to become free of those older patterns. The reason your relationships are as difficult as they are is because your bigger lessons surround the power love has to change everything. Your current experience is teaching you a lot.
Taurus: (April 20-May 20): Your Will and God’s Will are two different things. In all of your efforts to control things you can’t override God’s Will. Your current situation is teaching you how to stop thinking that everything is up to you. If every outer sign is telling you that it’s time to let go, find a way to do that. Hanging on to whatever you’ve invested too much in could wind up strangling you in the end. The best thing you can do right now is go into your heart and allow the love that is there to permit others to make their own choices.
Gemini: (May 21-June 21): You aren’t too sure that you made the right choice. The thing is, you’ve passed the point of no return and you’re pretty much on your own now. Instead of wishing you could bring back the good old days, kiss them goodbye and look at what’s in front of you. Right or wrong, this is what you’ve chosen. If you’re scared that you’ve gotten into something that’s too big to handle, this is really about realizing how big you’ve become. And if what you once had looks better to you now you are just afraid to grow beyond it.
Cancer: (June 22-July 22):Your desire to maintain peace at any price got you into this mess. If you’d spoken up this never would have happened. Now that you’re stuck you have another set of issues to deal with. What lies ahead is uncertain. Restoring harmony will require you to explain more than you may be prepared to fess up to. Others just might be more open to what you have to tell them. Don’t rule out the idea that at this point they are probably willing to accept it all – and if they can’t, you can either live with that, or walk away.
Leo: (July 23-Aug. 22): How far do you think you can take this? You’re pushing your luck in so many ways and whoever you’re expecting to put up with it isn’t too crazy about what you’re asking them to do. Maybe it’s time to be more accommodating. After all, they’ve bailed you out too often for you to ignore the fact that you owe them. If I were you I’d compromise just enough to keep things even. This will cost you a little time and require you to care a little more about them, but it will also make it easier for you in the long run.
Virgo: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You are as free as a bird. Someone has just left the picture. Whether on good terms or bad terms makes no difference really. With them gone you can do what you want and reclaim a sense of oneness again. It’s a blessing. For so long you have gone too far out of your way to make them happy, not realizing that too much of who you are got swallowed up in that. You’re quite surprised to find your self enjoying the company of friends and others who fell by the wayside. Have fun for a while - see where it takes you.
Libra: (Sept. 23-Oct. 23):There are a lot of things that you can’t see. Be patient. Whatever you’re out of touch with will reveal it self in due time – perhaps sooner than you think. Too many mistakes have piled up in front of you for you to have a clue about what the original one was. When things come out into the open do your best not to get caught up in the “story”. Your primary issues are blaring like a chorus of trumpets in front of you. In order to come out of this in one piece you have to figure out how to get to the bottom of them.
Scorpio: (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): You are mistaking other people’s dysfunction for sensitivity and going too far out of your way to cater to them. Something in you does not see them for who they are. There is so much anxiety surrounding your situation right now, clearing things up will take time. Those you care for have a totally different agenda than you think they do. Healing whatever you think their problems are will require you to look at your own first. When you wake up to the facts you will be amazed at how you’ve been duped.
Sagittarius: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You are beginning to see what you really came here for. What you are known for now has very little to do with it. The next few months should open the space for you discover how to move your efforts in a new direction. The relationship area is a little confused. Questions that relate to whether or not either of you can be your selves and stay together are major. The voice in your head may be your most reliable source for advice right now. Address the extent to which you feel obligated to please your partner.
Capricorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): This is one of those periods where nothing seems to be changing. And you’re sitting around wondering what it would take for you to get a life. When nothing’s going on it’s an illusion. There’s a tremendous amount of growth occurring whenever your outer reality looks frozen. In three months none of this will look the way it does now. Part of you senses what is about to happen. Instead of waiting for some big shock to smack you off the side of the head, prepare for what will inevitably be a big milestone.
Aquarius: (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You’re not the only one who can’t figure out what to do next. So many of you are in the process of re-birthing yourselves. If you could see it as if you’re floating around in the womb of creation it will help you get a handle on what you need to do and give you a more accurate perspective. Don’t interpret your lack of certainty as if it were failure. Reflect inwardly on the things that keep you connected to spirit and stay joyful. What you do from inside will soon come to life and present you outwardly in a new form.
Pisces: (Feb. 19-March 20): You must be feeling pretty good. On so many levels you have it all together. Your money situation looks promising too. Underneath all the material satisfaction there are things that eat away at you. You try to hide this and you’re good at pretending but everyone who knows you can see that you’re disconnected. Look up the word, “ennui” in the dictionary – it just might help you define what this is really all about. If it does, remember, boredom feels like nothing’s going on but it is the midwife for change.
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