May 31-June 6.............
ARIES: You’ve been holding steady but things are definitely getting weird! When life reaches any extreme you become so used to it that it starts to feel normal. Others are starting to wonder about you. And that’s OK because maybe someone will step forward and say, ‘Hey, by the way – what’s up?’ You’re already half way there. You might as well come completely unglued and find out what’s really at the bottom of all this insanity. When you do it will be a relief and the end result will bring you back to center.
TAURUS: you have so many blind spots. And fooling your self is easy because you think you’re right about everything and you have no respect for anyone’s opinion but your own. The problem is that you desperately could use some outside input. It’s hard for those close to you to point anything out to you because they have either bought into your illusions or you have them by the balls! I have no idea what it will take for you to have an epiphany, but it would be good if you could at least recognize how much you need one.
GEMINI: You pride your self on your accomplishments. If you examine your reasons for choosing the path you’re on you may find that they have absolutely nothing to do with what your heart would go after if it knew it had a choice. There’s a huge cliff in front of you and you may need to jump off it. Ultimately it’s all up to you. To get clear about what needs to happen right now ask your self what brought you here and consider that it may have less to do with you and more to do with what someone else wanted.
CANCER: If you knew what people were saying behind your back it would bum you out. Your efforts to do the right things are backfiring. It’s your belief that you need to continue to work tirelessly toward something but the truth is if you let someone else handle it, it will become what you want it to be. Step outside your box and ask your self what you’re trying to prove and why do you need to prove it? It’s not like you to be wound this tight. Something needs to snap and it would be better if it wasn’t you!
LEO: If you are a little nervous it would make sense. There are a lot of reasons why you should be and the more you try to hide this the worse things will get. The need to keep things secret is a huge problem in your life and always has been. At this point if you don’t come to terms with your dark side it’ll ruin what would otherwise be a hell of a good time. Grow up a little and stop using all the knowledge you’ve accumulated to rationalize away issues that need to be dealt with differently for your life to improve.
VIRGO: You have to make decisions that will work for you. Being swept away by your feelings or flattery from other people is a problem. Be discriminating about who you relate to because right now it would be easy to settle for less. You do not need to baby-sit for anyone, nor is it your job to put up with all of their past life trauma. If they’re not working on their problems there’s no way you can take all of that on. It’s time to choose your battles. Try saying, ‘No thanks. I don’t need this’ and you’ll feel much better.
LIBRA: You have all you can do to stay on top of things. It’s exciting to have this much going on even if sometimes you feel like you’re not in control. There’s a lot of love flowing into your life. Half the reason you’re out of control is because you’re walking on air! Sudden opportunities to take off on the spur of the moment will pull you out of your everyday life. Don’t be too practical to up and leave if you have the chance. Any experience that allows your heart to open further will enhance everything else you do.
SCORPIO: Being at the mercy of things you never thought you’d have to look at is a big deal for you right now. You aren’t as sure of your self as you used to be. Whatever has created cracks in your visions of perfection has thrown you for a loop. Keep in mind that it isn’t a bad thing to not know what’s going on. When you’re in the place of not knowing anything can happen and anything can be OK. Consider it a blessing that the walls are coming down. When they finally crash you will see that you are better off without them.
SAGITTARIUS: There’s a feeling of dissatisfaction coloring things. It’s because you’ve been trying to be something that you’re not. Others have set standards that you’re trying to live up to. Nothing you do makes them happy. On the other hand you have other options and there are possibilities to try something new or walk away from this. Being ‘good’ has its merits but not when it interferes with your freedom of expression. The truth is you need to be your self. If that’s not OK with someone else, it’s may be time to leave.
CAPRICORN: You have it made in so many areas you shouldn’t be complaining. Because you constantly have to take your ‘Evil Twin’ into account, what would otherwise be fine, isn’t. Looking outside your self and your relationship for greener pastures is a strong theme. As you well know nothing you want can be found outside of your self so keep your attention there. There may be opportunities to fool around or make a fresh start, but before you jump keep in mind what you’ll have to give up if you do.
AQUARIUS: You believe so firmly that you’re right. It’s fine if you do but others are coming from a completely different perspective. You also think it’s your job to change the way they see things and you can’t. There’s a big discrepancy fowling things up and a tacit refusal on your part to even recognize it. There are also many things that you are totally in the dark about. If you knew what they were you’d realize that you’re definitely not on the same page with someone close. If and when you wake up, you’ll be shocked.
PISCES: You are feeling ambiguous about so many things. What you have tried to do as far as improving your situation goes was a good idea at first, but now you don’t know what to do. Step back from everything - and that includes people who don’t know how to act their age. In any emotionally based situation keep in mind that you’re the grown-up. If you are clear, others will be clear. And whatever you’re hoping for will come to pass as long as you remember what you want and don’t allow people to play games with you.
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