Why do bad things happen to good people?
If someone who is good and kindlives his/her life in poverty and pain and suffering,is that fair?
Is it right that a child is murdered or dies young?
That a young person who has so much to live for is killed in a car accident by a drunk driver?
Yes, it is fair and just --because of karma.
If you think in terms of not one life, but hundreds --each life tipping the scales of justice one way or the other,
For every injustice you do, you pay in another life --for every injustice done to you -- the person who caused that injustice will pay -- in a future life.
Karma is the doctrine of inevitable consequence. You do reap what you sow.
A young person or child might lose his or her life early this time --but that life will be returned to him or her with a long happy life in the future.
Once a soul becomes one with the frequency of love and light, it attracts entities with those frequencies to itself. Negative beings will not find it easy to seduce that soul back to the dark side.
All souls grow -- from infant to old -- just as we do in life. They incur lots of karma in their first lives -- learning from experience. In later lives, the karmic debt begins to get paid back. The scales come into balance. They become teachers and healers, helping younger souls through their lives. They become examples to us all.
You can choose how and when you repay karmic debts. Suppose that you had a lifetime in which you killed people indiscriminately and caused a great deal of suffering. Generally, if you consciously deliberate on it after the lifetime, you will want to start repaying those karmic debts during your next lifetime. You may have a painful or early death, or suffer great losses. On the other hand, you may decide that for the maximum growth, it would be better to have an experience of what it is like to be really loved. In that case, the next life may be a relatively easy and comfortable one. You must eventually deal with your karma, but sometimes, repaying karmic debts is put off for centuries or even millennia. That is not usual, though. Karma is a compelling influence, and if you do not plan and make deliberate choices about how you will repay your karmic debts, you will eventually repay them anyway, but haphazardly. If you are in the vicinity of someone with whom you have a karmic tie, you tend to attract one another. Whether or not you had intended to, once you start the wheels of repayment in motion, it is difficult to stop them. However, although a karmic repayment may appear haphazard, you may actually have chosen it even though you do not consciously remember having done so.
Grace is the neutralization of karma solely in consciousness, learning its lessons without physically acting it out. Grace is always possible, but most choose to pay back their karma physically because they are not capable of balancing karma purely in consciousness.
Suppose that a person murders someone in cold blood. He is not likely to seek grace. The fact that he committed this act indicates that he is deeply enmeshed in the karmic state, and probably has little or no vision beyond it. But for the sake of argument, let's say that after that lifetime, he seeks grace; he does not want to be killed by the person he murdered in a future lifetime. He would have to undergo an enormous amount of growth to receive grace. He would have to develop sufficient empathy and compassion to feel what it was like for the other person. Mere remorse is not enough. Realistically, he is probably going to need to be killed by him and perhaps undergo other physical plane experiences to awaken in that area and learn the lesson. Grasping it without tangible experience may just be too difficult for him.
Grace is more possible when karma is less extreme and its lessons are within easier reach. Grace is not undertaken unilaterally. The victim's essence must agree to it. However, since being repaid a karmic debt can be almost as unpleasant as the karma itself, this is usually not a problem. While grace is usually achieved from the astral plane after the lifetime is complete, it can also be accomplished from the physical plane when the person who created the karma experiences major growth.
In between the two extremes of repaying a karmic debt through "an eye for an eye," and neutralizing it through grace, is what might be called "modified grace." Continuing the example above, modified grace might entail the murderer saving the life of his former victim in a future lifetime, perhaps in a doctor/patient relationship in which the doctor received no pay. This is a more enlightened and compassionate way to repay that karma.
Some karmas can also be "worked off" from the astral plane, again by the agreement of both parties. Since karma is fundamentally an imbalance of energy, repaying it is a matter of doing whatever it takes to rebalance it. Occasionally, an essence who is otherwise complete with the physical plane attempts to work off a remaining karmic debt from the astral plane rather than reincarnating. If he is not successful, he will need to reincarnate in order to repay the debt.
Taken off the blogosphere.......SuzyQ
1 comment:
This is an interesting post. I like the CHOICE and GRACE perspective. Karma is a very fascinating theory.
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