Get right back on that horse you rode in on! Shabatt! Shabatt!
Guy sells me a lawnmower with his wife present.
We strike up a friendhip as he is a jazz musician and I'm a jazz singer and own a sax I need lessons to play...
So he says he'll stop over to show me things on the mower and give me a SAX lesson...
So I say COOL I'll make coffee.....
But immediately THE HUG got very HANDZY and the cologne was heavy...
This gurl backed right up and said NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO WAY JOSE! I am celibate! He said..well that doesn't mean I have to be.....Sheesh!
The man is married...I met his wife....what was he thinking?????
Oh lordy lordy lordy..he got his coffee and I got my SAX lesson and I can blow baby....
I also was invited to sing jazz with his latin jazz band at The Lakehouse in Lake Bomoseen VT..
I did a few numbers....I can even use my music....my ex sits in on keyboard sometimes..
That should be fun.....(Drink Trigger)
So I sent the man packing after we had a CHAT.....
Now his cologne is stuck all over me after his feely mealy hugz....
I'm sorry but men can't just TAKE what they want.....
I never gave him any kind of sign of interest.....
I told him FRIENSHIP only.....
He plays well...it was funny because he stood behind me to finger the sax while I blew(don't get any ideas) and it was awkward but it was fun because it actually was like playing....
I got good diaphramatic breathing....that's a plus.....
Thank goodness I'm a good girl.....
Thank goodness I'm sober.......
Good Boundaries Zen
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