The first interpretation is, of course my favorite. I'm not quite sure how I did that!
I've always been a fan of the absurd. As I sit listening to a violin duo rendition of Amazing Grace done quite beautifully, I might add, I wonder what this moon will mean in the scheme of things.
Scorpio is an intense and driven passionate planet. Will it assist us in living our dream? I truly hope so.
As an admitted Train Wreck struggling to get Back On Track...I find each day a challenge in many ways. Living with a disability...financial worries....losing my looks.....pushing men away as I know I cannot handle a relationship right now....Being repulsed when men I ask for help come on to me....Being frustrated......isolating out of choice. Having hurt and anger weighing heavy on my heart. Anger at this illness for robbing me of joy and a love. Hurt that "that love" would discard me because of it. Tremendously. Yet accepting that that was his choice. No matter how hurtful it was to me. I still carry it in my heart like a stone. As I spring cleaned the home I opened my bedroom drawer and saw a tiny pix of him I had stashed away. Waterfall. He didn't think I loved him..he said later on..he said I just respected and admired him....stupid man. I said goodbye because I knew he could not handle "what I have" and it would only tear us apart anyway if I was unable to find a cure. I find myself "blowing up" at family and friends in the last two months out of pain and frustration and a certain amount of jealousy that they have normal lives, can eat normal food and are doing all the things to their homes that I need to do to mine yet can't. Things that would make my home "healthier" for me so i could get well faster. I have never had a bathtub. I just got water in the bathroom after a month. I don't need decks or frills...I just need the "MOLD" to get gone. New roof...bathroom work. Electrical I can't do. Pulling up the floor and replacing it I can't do. Painting I can't do as I am chemically sensitive. I have NEVER been one to say "I Can't" but now MY DISABILTY dictates my answers. I hate that!
So I am just babbling into blogospace so I don't unravel yet again as we test another medication....allegra. If I make it it might help w/my dust and mold allergies. If I "BLOOP" in the morning I will just get through it.
Here's sending special love to my dear friend Eric in Massachusetts.
He'd yell at me for "rehashing"......thank Gawd he's away!
Love and Peace and Classical.
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