Despite the U.S. government’s acknowledgement of the critical value of pharmacy compounding, the FDA and pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to assert that pharmacy compounding is illegal. It is not illegal and without access to compounded medicines thousands of patients would suffer needlessly. Get the facts about pharmacy compounding. Stay informed so you can fight to keep pharmacy compounding legal.
See http://www.iacprx.org/site/PageServer?pagename=P2C2 or savemymedicine.org
for info and custom form letters.
Please Oppose Draft Compounding Legislation. Send a letter to your Members of Congress.
Please tell your own story. Tell your members of Congress how you rely on compounded medicines and what your life would be like without them. Personal letters have a much greater impact with Congress.
Sample letter:
I know that you are committed to protecting patients and, as a result, I hope that you share my concerns about the draft Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007 that may soon be introduced by Senators Edward Kennedy and Richard Burr.
I rely on compounded medications. Without access to them, I will suffer.
The Safe Drug Compounding Act would restrict and possibly even deny my access to vital compounded medications, medications that my doctor has determined I need.
As your constituent, I strongly urge you to oppose this legislation and look forward to hearing your response.
While pharmacy compounding is regulated by state boards of pharmacy, the U.S. Congress has the power to make it easier or harder for pharmacists who compound prescribed medications, physicians who prescribe them and the patients who rely on them. It is critical that your elected representatives become aware of the value of compounded medications from you - their constituents. You can make a difference simply by letting your representatives in the House and Senate know how compounding helps you.
The more personal and unique the letter, the more effective it is. We strongly encourage you to use our talking points as a guide and compose a letter on your own.
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