Iz there an arid desert in your heart? Could you be committing Spiritual Suicide at this very moment? Are you living against the grain of your soul? This is the sure road to ruin. I start this new blog to ask for just a second of your thyme to stop by and share the experiences of an imperfectly perfect Train Wreck back on track after a period of chaos, physical ills, addiction and soul death. The phoenix rises upward and so should we all put our faces to the sun so that it can warm us slowly, gradually and bake us into delicious crunchy cookies of sweetness and life. The winter is a time for rest and rejuvenation..the spring is a time of new growth and gratitude that we have indeed made it through yet another cold and lonely winter in Vermont. Are you doing what you love? If not then you are knot living you are dying. Many people do not yet know what it is they are here for? So they go round and round in the rat race of life making money and thinking that if they only had "Just a little bit" more they might be able to "make it". Folks....it ain't the answer. Those that are blessed with material luxuries still discover an emptiness at their core. Where is the meaning and purpose they ask? The Secret is to do what you love and find joy in and eventually what you dream for will come to fruition through hard work and perseverance. I am not saying there wont be challenges on the road to your dream. These are the bumpz for you to navigate and as water flows....go with the flow.....Water may pause it's flow if it sees danger ahead but it will take another route...it never stops..it just meanders around the danger and takes another course. We must all be like water as the waters of earth flow together, not against each other, and as water we must unite with others that share the same dream so that we may complement and aid one another through holding together and creating peace and harmony through that bond. "There is no need to run outside for better seeing.....
Rather abide at the core of your being......
For the more you leave it, the less you learn....
Search your heart and see....
The way to do it is to be......"
Expect A Miracle!
1 comment:
"The phoenix rises upward and so should we all put our faces to the sun so that it can warm us slowly, gradually and bake us into delicious crunchy cookies of sweetness and life."
Nice! GR8 way to name and start your Expression.
Isn't it a rewarding feeling letting your inner core's voice speak to yourself? It's a great way to bring that Inner Dialogue to life and fruition. Even if nobody reads it. (Although some of us will). Rereading what you wrote at the end of the day and keeping your self awareness running at peak performance is as vital to life as is food, oxygen and as you say, water. Else we trip over our own feet and break our necks on the satirway to, as you put it, Spiritual Suicide.)Here's a big fat bottle of bubbly, delicious spring water to break upon your blogs Maiden Voyage! Let's just hope you don't commit spirtual suicide AND homicide by deleting this blog ever again!!!! ~MiragegariM~
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