Thursday, May 3, 2007

Something's Rotten In Denmark...

Assaulted by a pork chop. A salted pork chop I might add. Why is it they have to dump toxic chemicals in the food supply as well as the air and water? Is the USDA on some sort of "kill the people" instead of "By the people and for the people"mission....I am enraged today after suffering a severe allergic reaction to a piece of meat. What is safe anymore for us to eat? My dear friend confessed a possible bipolar/OCD problem....and I kidding "It's the chemicals!".
Millions f people are being diagnosed with mental disorders when it is delayed food allergy and chemial allergy! Then they get put on Toxic Drugs and get worse....add booze to the pot(lol) and you're really in for it. Booze not only exascerbates any allergic reaction "in progress" but it is also an allergen being made from fermented grain, potato, corn(big allergens) and Yeast (another big allergen for most...people just don't know it). What you crave you are generally in an allergic-addictive relationship with. Talk to me about crawling to the coffee pot every morning...
No mo poke for this gurl! It's a beautiful sunny day..a bit cool....I was "caught" nude sunbathing by my elderly "Mr Fixit" neighbor a short time ago. I can't complain because his wife is alcoholic (white wino) and sits in the house...she tied one on yesterday and it is 2PM and she is having a "hair of the dog"....she's in her late 70's. Her husband hates it so he keeps busy outside. He keeps "her" inside. I don't wanna be there that's for sure. She is a sweetheart though....most alkies are.
Have a Sunny Day and Read Your labels and pray when there is none!
Chemically Challenged
Sunami No Nut-zen

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