Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Egoic Mind Is Like A Sinking Ship

If you are run by your mind you will be destroyed by it. It's like a sinking ship. If you don't get off, you will go down with the ship. The collective egoic mind is the most dangerously insane and destructive entity on the planet. Thus we have war and the pollution and annihilation of our planet. If it weren't for sex, alcohol, tranquilizers, antidepressants and pot, the insanity of the human mind would become even more glaringly apparent than it is already. Deprived of their drugs, the human population would become a danger to themselves and others. A friend made up the saying "Medicated For Your Protection." It's true. I was put on medication because my mind would not relax and stop. I could not eat or sleep. I had become so addicted to benzodiazepines that when I tried to free myself of them my mind went crazy. They are my crutch now. At some point I will taper them. But I am not ready. I've only been stable a few months. I am much calmer and levelheaded off of alcohol and on my medication. I also use exercise to calm me and to connect with nature and my center. Tolle says that drugs keep you stuck in dysfunction. Block higher consciousness. They provide relief from the daily torture inflicted by the mind. I'll have to disagree with him here. I am in better shape now on medication than off. Perhaps my brain was injured early on by cocaine use and PTSD and alcohol. When you are tortured as a child your brain works differently. I thank buddha for leading me to the hospital October 6 when i stood knee deep in water with weights on my legs and arms ready to drink sedatives and swim to my death. I was tired of being a problem to everyone because of my illness. I wanted out badly but the glory of nature shouted in my face NO! And so I live. Gratefully.
Here's to consciousness and life and growth.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, My name is Harry and I suggest you talk to this man:

I was an ex student of this man, and can personally and honestly tell you your problems whatever they are, however great or small, will literally be removed with no struggle on your part and it will be done instantly, effortlessly!

This is no exaggeration.

Peace and Blessing to you :)