Thursday, January 31, 2008

How Dare You?

Today I awoke to a horrid email from a FRIEND? I had just had a wonderful conversation with the day before. Accusing me or my family of commenting on his BLOG about his lack of presence in his childresn lives. Neither of which was true. The comment must have come from one of his wronged women. This opened my eyes to how YOYO alcoholics can be. One minute they are your friend and the next they hate you. Borderline alkies I mean. I don't need the DRAMA.
I have brought this man truckloads of my belongings to furnish his home thrice and driven him wherever he neede to go to get rid of rotting trash and bottles and to retrieve kids from rehab or buy groceries in NH. I don't need this anymore.

Today I brought Victor the rest of his belongings and bought him a coffee pot and took him to the Back Home Again for coffee. I will make some calls as he cannot call out to find out about his stocks. He treats me very nicely. There is no vile evil language just friendship. Taurus man.
Very gentle.

I was reminded by a dear friend that :
++It seems that the good parts of Eric are not worth suffering the bad ones.
++Well, regardless of who left the comment....messages come to us from the Universe and often they come through other people. If we choose to "kill the messenger" then we will continue on as cowards, blaming everything on everyone else (the classic Borderline M.O.) and never learning the lessons the Universe intended for us. But there is only so long you can go on avoiding the truth about yourself, until the Universe says "OK we've had enough, it's time for a serious wake-up call".So if Eric has gotten this far without a strong enough wake-up call, he's about due for one. Sometimes being smart is a curse, as it makes one believe that he can outwit everyone, effectively protecting and hiding the very parts of himself that must change. Learning humility is an amazing process--it's totally transformed my world and people actually LIKE me now, rather than simply tolerating me. I don't know what you will do when he comes down off his negative tirade and wants to apologize to you again. I would be very cautious about letting him back into your life. You are obviously a trigger for his deeper issues and he is projecting them onto you (trying to kill the messenger) instead of making changes. He can either continue on the way he is and lose every friend he makes, or he can grow up and take responsibility for his life, address the anger/abuse issues & stop blaming others. Either way, it's not your problem.
Be happy, healthy, sane and sober

THANK YOU for that letter my dear friend.
It helps me see what is before my eyes.

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