Aries(March 21-April 19): It isn't your job to make anyone feel better about this. If they can't take responsibility for their feelings what makes anyone think you can? You might want to remind them that their emotional responses belong to them and only they can change the way they feel. Their tendency to take everything personally is causing most of their problems right now. Again, that's their business. It was never your intention to hurt anyone. Keep doing what's right for you. They'll figure this out sooner or later.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Biting off more than you can chew may make you feel like you're accomplishing something but you're taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back every time you do this. Mass quantities of effort usually retard your progress. You'd do better to take one thing at a time. It would also be good if you cleaned up all your unfinished business. In your desire to conquer the world you have forgotten a few things. Look closely at what you owe people and make sure you pay off those debts sooner rather than later.
Gemini (May-21-June 21): You're too busy to be bothered with your deeper issues. In a way you're lucky to have all this to distract you because your personal life isn't exactly perfect. Whatever you keep shoving under the rug won't disappear. It looks like you've got someone out there who isn't too happy with your choices. They keep doing everything in their power to get in your way, without realizing that what's good for you will be good for them. Don't let their refusal to go along with this as a sign that you need to give it up.
Cancer (July 22-July 22): You've been missing in action and everyone's wondering where you went. It's funny how people only miss you when you're not around. Maintain your distance for a little while longer. There's no sense rushing back into anything if you're not sure whether or not you'll be received with open arms. There are other things going on that make you feel as if you need to do something about them. In this situation you'll be way better off if you let others make the first move. That way you'll be certain that they actually want this.
Leo (July 23-August 2): Recent improvements have made you feel much more comfortable in this situation. If it weren't for you, none of them would have been made. You're learning that you get back what you put into things - and it doesn't always have to come from the people you gIve to. Whoever you have done so much for isn't the type to return the favor. Your reward for this will come from some other source, and not necessarily right away. Keep the faith and don't be upset by people who just don't know how to say thank you.
Virgo (August 23-September 22): Getting other people to step in and speak for you has turned out to be a good thing. You couldn't have done this without them. Now that you've made your case clear, those who forgot to appreciate your efforts are looking at you with more respect. This work you've undertaken is important. What may be more important however is your ability to remain connected to the human part of you. Go ahead and throw your self into this, but remember: none of this matters if you can't do it and take care of number one.
Libra (September 23-October 23): Events of the last few weeks have made you wonder if this is what you really want. Up till now it's been so easy to slide by without having to put your self out too much. Upping the ante has placed more responsibility on your shoulders and you can no longer do this without having to work harder for it. What you're worried about is having to give up your freedom. Discipline is the price of freedom my dear. You will be freer than ever before if you are willing to take this on. Whatever you give up will be worth it.
Scorpio (October 24-November 21): Who said you couldn't ever expect to get anywhere with this? They're eating their words as we speak. Whatever you're up to, it's taking off better than anyone thought. There's a sense of satisfaction that you haven't felt in a long time and it's making you feel a whole lot better about everything. Life is great when it works. This will keep working as long as you stay in touch with the part of your self that loves it. Check in with your self on a daily basis just to make sure that it's still as alive as it feels to you now.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): All of a sudden who ever you were trying to shake off has distanced them selves. Now that they could care less you seem to care more. Questioning your choices, you're wondering if you were hasty when you told them to get lost. It's too late to change this, so if you're thinking of ways to reel them back in, forget about it. You will have to live with the consequences of your actions whether you like it or not. Sobered by this realization it's got you thinking more seriously, and realistically, about your self.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Family stuff is always a little gnarly; especially when there's money involved. You aren't as sure about what's fair as other people seem to be. Their interpretation of fair weighs too much in their favor to be considered such. If others are hassling you about your piece of the pie, don't be too quick to fall for their reasoning. Other things are just as confusing. Part of you would like to get the Hell out and start over. There's no way that's gonna happen so find a way to make this what you want.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18): You finally got what you wanted and you're feeling good enough about it to be able to ignore other issues. Your partner isn't as happy about this as you are, for starters, and even though you've got it made on so many levels, something in you knows that it could all go up in smoke any time. Keep milking this situation for whatever it has to give you, but keep in mind that it's a temporary thing. If you get offered any other opportunities look into them. I don't see you sticking around here too much longer.
Pisces (February 19-March 20): How far you want to take this is really up to you. If you're waiting for someone else to give you permission, you don't need it. What's in the way is your fear that if you ask for too much it'll all fly South. At this point what you need to realize that asking for what you want is totally OK. Besides, it won't come any other way. After all this time of putting your needs on the back burner just to please other people, you should have figured this out. And if things do fly South, it's because you're barking up the wrong tree.