Thursday, January 24, 2008


Today I worked and worked out. I have several dates lined up with three separate gentleman. One from Wilder, from Quechee and one from Boston. There is another from Montpeculiar but he dn sound so interesting. Friday night is the piano player at the Brandon coffeehouse and saturday day is date #1. Coffee in Woodstock and a hike. I am coming alive again slowly. The weight of other's problems is suddenly gone and I am taking care of me. I will not allow any negativity into my orbit. Nor will I allow anyone with too much ego. I sent presents to an old friend he should have them by tommorrow. My diet is working and my face thinner. I am doing the machines so when I lose I am toned up. Tommorrow Angus gets a winter hike. More research on moms insurance plan. I have already switched her to medicaire and she is pissed. I was saving her tons of $$. I can't believe we are saddled with her for many years to come. It casts a pall onto my life. I am going to go read wrapped in blankets and get to bed early again. It feels good to get sleep. My meds are working fine. My niece had a good observations of me:

I said: Thanks I'm paranoid lately.He was my best friend guy and I miss him. But then all of a sudden i feel lighter w/out HIS problems.
She said: i think this kinda translates to: " i don't know what to do with myself if i can't obsess over someone else's problems"...and the transition out of being a rescuer isn't easy. You just need to fill every bit of your life that you used to occupy with others' concerns--fill it with satisfying your own needs and desires. It's about time, isn't it?:)

I love you Jodi

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