Mercury isn't too happy this week. On Friday, he begins his storm period, which means he's about to turn retrograde. Hold off on starting new projects, and rethink actions you've recently taken. Because Mercury goes retrograde about three times a year, it's a great time to take stock of your experiences during that time. You enjoy feeling needed, Suzy, but today even you may throw up your hands and shout, "Enough already!" You have been giving so much of yourself for so long now that friends and loved ones tend to think of your largesse as a right, rather than a privilege. Today you can remind them of the error of their thinking. Take a day off from indentured servitude for a change. Take yourself out to a fancy restaurant in town and enjoy being waited on. Don't forget to leave a big tip.
Actions I've recently taken included detaching from Eric and Victor. The volatility and superiority and vulgarity of Eric and the negativity and neediness of Vic gave me no choice. I cannot handle either at this time. I gave Vic a ride to his counsellor one way and left him there. He had a CHOICE to take his meds at the right time but since he could not do this he now is a prisoner of the SYSTEM he abhors. I keep reminding him he had a choice. He doesn't listen.
He just rants on about the government and the system and how much he hates everything. Most of us hold disapproval of the government but to let anger rule your life is not good.
I am looking at Tucson as well as Sedona, AZ. I crave the warm sun and desert climate. The house is being shown today so maybe we will have a buyer. Wouldnt it be nice to be in AZ during spring. Away from moldy Mendon. Start a new life in a new place. Its scary and exciting. My horoscope said for me to GET OUTTA DA WAY and let the future unfold. I am not fighting it.
Today is housecleaning, snowshoeing and the gym. A night to myself before my weekender arrives. With her dog. It will be hectic but I am doing it for the money I have to keep telling myself that. I will pay off debt with her money.......picture being out of debt.
That would be sweet.......
Have A Sunny Day......
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