There are really two different meanings for the word "blizzard". "Blizzard conditions" occur when strong winds (at least 35 mph) combine with either falling snow or snow on the ground to reduce visibilities to 1/4 mile or less for at least three hours. According to this definition, blizzard conditions can occur without falling snow....it's severe blowing snow. The other meaning of "blizzard" is a strong winter cyclone event combined with high winds that cause alot of blowing and drifting of snow. It would be difficult for people to agree on the "worst blizzard" ever experienced, since so many factors are involved: how much snow, how strong the winds were, how large an area was influenced, was a major city involved, how long did it last, etc.
Interesting facts:
Blizzard winds are created when a strong low pressure area is close to a strong high pressure area. The air "wants" to flow from high pressure to low pressure, but the turning of the Earth causes the air to turn to the right (in the Northern Hemisphere), and the wind ends up flowing around the low pressure area, rather than directly toward it.
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