You are speeding along in your vehicle and suddenly there is a huge ramp in front of you, Suzy. You have the choice of avoiding the ramp, staying on the ground where you know that it is safe and clear, and being content with a very limited view of the world. Another choice, however, is to hit that ramp head-on and let it send you soaring up over the trees and beyond. Who knows where you might land? There is an incredible adventure waiting for you when you take that leap into the unknown.
I'm feeling unattractive and weatherbeaten lately. I shot two games of pool last night and won both so I am still the little sharkette. The band was good but I need horns. Might be seeing a Horny band tonight. Spoke to the Doc about Victor today and I will be picking him up at the hospital and checking him into the Mendon Econolodge where he can live paid for by the state as long as he goes to his meetings. Takes his meds. He has a big box of presents at the post office.
My family is nice. I get to take a bath in his bathtub at the motel....yay!! Today I visit Betty in the nursing home to play scrabble and Vic at the hospital and then return some sox that were irregulars (which I don't mind) but they have BIG GAPING HOLES IN THEM! Thats beyond irregular. I'm on my 3rd tiny pot of coffee and will most likely see Joey Leone and The Chop Shop tonight w/my buddy Carol. She dumped a guy last night who lacked vivacity and emotion. You go girl! He was negative and doom and gloomy. We need guys that talk about stuff. That can talk to us no matter what it is.
I've given up......I'm too gunshy. I just hang w/dawgs. Fifty one is a weird age. You still feel 35 but you look 45. Wrinkles are there. Weight is harder to lose. I did lose my appetite though. the atkins diet will do that. I must go to the gym before anything to work out. It helps my brain.
Nothing spiritual to say I'm just living in the now. Lamb Chops for dinner and salad for lunch.
I hope I haven't become "boring". The winter leaves me cold and dreaming of flowers. This summer will be my best garden. I am well. I am eager to grow stuff. I have beets growing in the kitchen. I'm renting the garage to a guy w/a car for $50per month. I'm hoping this Xmas/Nyrs rental goes through. I need the cash. I think they wanted to swap but I can't go to Miami right now. Too much on mah plate.....
Have a Good Day Peoples.......my tummy is grumbling at me to feed it but I am starving it.
Looks like my mothering urge has transmutated to taking care of Victor. Somebody has to.
It might as well be me......
I gotta be me............
Abby Normal
All for a bath and an ego stroke. Kind of a pitty to witness you settling for crumbs. But then, food is your downfall, right?
Praise the food goddess!!!
Pretty shitty comment eric. The man is mentally ill (BAD) and he has noone to help him. I am not doing this for anything other than self-saisfaction and Victor.
You don't like him this close to me?
What are your motives?
I spent the day w/a suicidally depressed obese woman in a nursing home crying(HER).....Do I do this for my ego? No Eric I do this out of love.
Actually, anonymous could be right. To truly give of yourself, try not posting it on the web. Then maybe ask yourself why you feel like you need to publicly announce it when you do something for someone. Ask YOURSELF "What are your motives"! It's possible and seems likely that you don't do the act for your ego but DO THE POSTING OF IT for said ego or some sort of recognition/affirmation. Just a thought.
Listen both of you my journal is a
journal of what I do each day. I am proud I can help others amd excited by being on TV. I am asking you both to Back Off because
what I post in my journal is what I do each day and if doing something for someone happens then it will be posted. I get JOY out of finding solutions for stuck people. I have a very little life spent most of the time here at home. Helping others gets you out of YOURSELF.
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