Dinner at Helis with my dear friend Otel was grand. We got a bottle of french white bordeaux wine and appetizers of filo stuffed w/crab and smoked salmon toasts then salad and soup and then salmon and shrimp scampi. It was fun. Otel told me the story about going to Claudes and Choices Rest. in Killington after his house burned down as they had been very helpful to him. He had a few too many shots of seagrams and puked on his table napkin. Then when they decided it would be better to leave he couldn't find his car keys. They were driven home by the bartender Trish and the next day given a ride and the keys were right under the mat. Alcohol blurs the vision.
He wrote an apology letter and Claude sent a gift certificate and they were able to go back and have a great dinner. I like hanging around w/humans. People that make mistakes and admit it and also don't judge you. We never have any trouble hanging out. I spurned his romantic advances as I am celibate and sent him to bed in the spare room. He left early in the am and called to say he had a great time. That's a date folks. No drama..no problems just silly scrabble and listening to great music. Having a few vodka sodas. I made a promise to myself no matter how hard it was I would say NO when I meant No. I am guilty of caving under pressure or obligation. There's only one man I would say YES to and he knows who he is. He's just out of the picture for now. I am heading to make some beds at a condo and then for a snowshoe with Kangamangas Angus. I have to buy presents soon maybe tonight. Just a few. Maybe wait til monday when I'm going to be in Rutvegas. I have to learn how to upload the pix i took with the new camera today and also stick to my diet. The gym will be last. I've decided to go every day as I already feel thinner. I'm excited about spending Xmas with my family. I also am going to see my mom which is always a challenge. I'm definately tucking a few nips into my bag for mom day.
We may stay at a motel as mom never sleeps and then we don't either. She drinks coffee at 11pm. I have a rather large art poster for her and I need to get some other things. Looks like its charge card time. I paid off my overdraft of $750 with every penny I made. Next is Visa. It's terribly hard to pay off credit cards. I can do it though, if I set my mind to it.
Have a Day Folks-------
Voracious Reader
Coupled with the email you got today I would say today/yesterday was a pretty good day for you. Good things DO come.
What email????
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