This is Helen Szabo Jacobs my hungarian maybe jewish Gramma. She is no longer alive but in my heart she is. I could always be safe with her and talk about anything. She was the strongest influence of positivity in my life as I grew up. There will never be anyone like her. She was a short order cook and a waitress and also took care of kids, Her car was always loaded with presents for people. Her dresser drawer was a treasure trove that you were allowed to peer into and choose one thing every now and then. She had a piggy bank full of waitress tips that we eventually rolled. She took me with her everywhere. She was more of a mother to me than my own mother. But shes gone and I can only be the best person I can be for her. I guess that's why I am a gifter. I'm broke though so it is usually something homemade. A painted rock or a snack.
I love you Gramma Helen and your garden is all weeded and this summer it will be awesome.
awwwww, Nana!!!
thanks for the picture, can i take it and put it in my Tribe blog? i have such fond memories of her too, always sitting there crocheting, saying "Yuh....Yuh..." and nodding at us. She made me several crocheted vests over the years and at the time i wouldn't be caught dead in Granny Gear like that, but i wish to God i had one now. I would wear it every day.
Sure steal away i have some more I will try to webcam i have no scanner or maybe my stuff too and gave it away but I wish I had one of the blankets now too!
Much Love
Ant Suzy
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