Then across town again to mail. I gfot to the window w/all ready and receipts for mail delivered filled out but I was told I can't use those for canada. I needed the papers to get there in 4 days so I said priority mail please-she got some papers and said that will be $57. What I said????I only had $20 left. I ended up sending it reg mail for $2.12. Bought me some stamps. Put in $20 gas. Then to grocery shop and xmas shop. Got a cup o java for myself and sat for a spell at Back Home Again at the window sipping the chocolate coffee w/cream....MMMmmmm.....I deserved it. Then got my bro some expensive slippers, mom a vacuum and sisterinlaw some cool socks-4 pair. Found some sneaks I wear on sale and got them for this summer. Stashed them in the attic for april. Tore home ravenous and ate everything I could find-salad w/avocado and cheese and olives...steak...cauliflower w/homemade hollandaise. I'm still eating. Called Victor and told him the tale. Its all up to the US Postal system. The hospital is putting him in the Econolodge motel near me so that he does not move in and not pay rent. Just in case the stock thing dn work. Good thinking. They were worried about him accessing the guns he owned and shooting someone out of frustration so I signed a release so they could talk to me. I guess I'm surrogate mom for now. He's 59. He was real manic until I grabbed his hands and said Calm Down-Be Positive-It Will Happen.....I got a hug and left. Now I'm here medicated for your protection and ready to hit the sofa. Never made it to the gym or lost any weight so I guess I'll be fat girl for awhile longer. Got a call from a couple in NM, Los Cruces who were going to Hawaii in 2 days and their swap couple backed out but 2 days was not enought to plan a trip out west for a month w/a dog here. If I had money for travelling it would be one thing. But with xmas I don't.
Home at last Where The Heart Iz......
Poopety Gurl
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