Saturday, December 29, 2007

Time Flies

Time certainly flies away from home. It is already the 29th! The people at my home are having fun and there are no problems. I feel relieved. I am staying with a Leo and a Taurus and i find that the Taurus has to do everything I do over. I wash a dish-it gets rewashed..I vacuum-it gets revacuumed. Phew.....I'm a housekeeper but I'm not fanatical anymore. Illness will do that...put you in your place. Make you understand what is important and what is knot. I owe an apology to Eric for overreacting due to heavy drinking when we were last together. I miss him very much. He knows that. I could strangle him sometimes but I still love him. The last relationship I had I thought was the One. The sex was from another planet but he didn't know how to hold my hand.
He didnt know how to be a best friend guy. Do the things women crave like massage, dishes, home cooked meals, talking for hours, making music together. Giving unselfishly outside the bedroom. I now know that the infatuation was strong but the relationship was doomed.
I am getting healthier by the day. I can't wait til spring comes. Seeing the flowers pop up out of the ground. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to use my new camera by then. It is 3:20 in the afternoon and my brother will be home soon to go to return some presents. I'm ready for a Dunkin Donuts cappucino. They want to control my intake of coffee and booze.....they say I drink too much coffee. So does my mom. I'm very ORAL. Gotta have something in my mouth at all times. Get your mind out of the gutter......
Have A Day and Miss Me A Little.....
Tubba Lard

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