Monday, December 10, 2007

Why Is It.......

That when you are angry and hurt, caused by another person, you only see their negative attributes? Recently I got really, really mad at a friend. I couldn't let go of the anger because he had done something that really ruined the night...for me and another anyways. Maybe not for him. I'm still a bit angry. The other person had cried he was so in pain from the first persons remarks alone with him and I was angry at a beautiful meal turned into a Dr Phil intervention.
The gourmet food lost its taste and the fun mood became somber. It ruined my night and I retreated to my room to sleep away the hurt. So did the other, the hurt one. The hurter stayed awake late into the night blasting the music and pelting my bedroom door w/candy bars.
So what do you make of it all buddha? Was I supposed to accept this kind of rude immature behavior and smile like a dumbass? I dunno.....I act what's in my heart. I acted hurt. I acted angry. How to forgive things so fast is beyond me?
Post Rough Day Ponderance

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