Monday, December 3, 2007

Actual Emails Received From A So-called Enlightened Person

Looks Like The Village Idiot To Me....Modern Maturity

1. As for the put downs, Those were compliments baby.
2. Here's an idea, why don't you make a drink now. Have one for the one your roommate in the hospital can't have.(This from an alcoholic with no booze)
3. Did you realize that when you don't wear your false teeth you look like a Wiccaan? Really scarey!
4. Do you realize that even when you are at the perfect weight that when you take your clothes off you have hanging skin? It's really gross!
5. And the finest for last: So I like porn. know why? because it just means that I don't have to deal with emotionally lost bitches like yourself. You dont give a blowjob unless there is something in it for you. I don't even have to meet the porn actress in the movie. Disrespect women? yeah, I guess I do. Every one I have met, even though i keep trying to believe there is one that will break the mold, has either been frigid, emotionally unbalanced or downright abusive. Which one is you? None, because you are the one I havent mentioned yet. You are the user. The get your dick and then hang him by the balls. Maybe it's because daddy didnt give you what you really needed. Or maybe it's because Chuck can fuck. Either way, you, I fear, are the exact thing i wished in my heart of hearts would not be. Shallow.

So very sad from an enlightened person. I rejected his sexual advances a week ago.
Thus the scorn and the porn.
I pity him. He said he has read alot of books. Was he awake?
I fear not.
The Blocker of The Blockhead

1 comment:

Madame7 said...

so THAT's what stupid people think Wiccans look like, green toothless witches from Halloween decorations. Interesting. Well, this Wiccan looks like an ass-kicking amazon goddess and if anyone ever talks to my aunt sooozie like that again, i'll send out one of my nastiest servitors to make him sorry he misrepresented the sign of Capricorn like that.