Friday, December 7, 2007

Pushing Buttons

Emotional Triggers
What are they? Emotional Triggers are emotionally charged buttons that exist within you and everyone you know (and don't know)... Each of these triggers is wired to a memory of unresolved matters - resentments, hurts, fears, unmet needs, rejection, you name it.Without getting a handle on them, we're like "robots" in one sense,because we can't help but be controlled by them, unless we take anactive approach toward realizing what's going on in our thing is certain:
Understanding them will change your life.

Certain people close to you know your sensitive areas and it is very cruel to constantly pour salt into those wounds. I have been in therapy and reading alot but I still cannot for the life of me CONTROL the wave of anger I feel when someone pushes my buttons. They attack and instead of ignoring them and deleting their mail I REACT and attack back. A friend said one day when we were arguing "It's just like we were married.". doesn't make you miserable. Dysfunction does.
I'm 51 years young. Fairly attractive still. For the life of me I do not know how to find friends to come over and play scrabble. Men just want sex if I invite them. I only have one good girlfriend and she is too busy. The guys that write me on yahoo don't have the sense to read my profile and see that I am not a paid member and that they have to give me their emails. I feel badly because they might think I am ignoring them but I just can't write back. Many of them seem really nice and cool.
Gearing up to snowshoe today. Got a bad knee. Then over to the gym.
I'm going to ask a certain person not to push my buttons anymore because I am just trying to stay sane as well and provoking anger by picking at my scabs really uses up alot of joy energy.
He says he is living in the NOW but he still posts pix of his last love who ran him over with his car so it seems he has work to do. I am guilty of missing my last love but he never hurt me..well maybe his words stung a bit. Scorpions sting.
My friend is getting moved into a nursing home out of the hospital and is she angry.
I will have to go visit her to keep her sane.
Have a great day.....


Anonymous said...

I you don't want to read the emails, why don't you just block them?

Sunamizen said...

I did a week ago but AOL puts them in my spam folder and everytime i go back online it opens it up and I should delete them and not read them but my curiosity gets the best of me and then I get angry.
I will try. I wish AO-ILL had a better way to do this but I have windows 98 so maybe it is that.
Curiosity Killed The Cat