Friday, June 22, 2007

Being Put In Your Place a.k.a. The Party Is Over

Nothing shouts at us louder than our own bodies. Pretty much hits us over the head and stops us like a freight train despite the subtler warnings it had given us. Listen to your body I taught.
Did I listen to mine? I thought I was but I was too busy trying to have fun the only way I had learned through drinking. Well I'm listening now. I have isolated myself not to keep sober but to get well. The only way I know how. Diet, supplements, no stress and rest. Exercise comes next.
So when your body tries to talk to you, please listen. I was unfortunate enough to have gotten bit by a tick and also to have a toxic load of heavy metals. Most people probably do as well.
I will be trying to get out of this funky state slowly and quietly. Work will be done on my home this summer with an agency loan from Neighborworks at 3%. 20years to pay to get a new bath and a new roof. Cut 3 trees and patch the stone wall. Looks like I'm staying here for now. Sometimes our body makes up our minds. Now I just need to fight this with all I got.
Putting love on the back burner again of course...Must be fair to Love....
Love Still Sick Sunami

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