Sunday, June 24, 2007

On Patience

"Wherever you go, there you are."

" a remembering that things unfold in their own time. The seasons cannot be hurried. Spring comes, the grass grows by itself. Being in a hurry usually doesn't help, and it can create a great deal of suffering--sometimes in us, sometimes in those who have to be around us. Patience is an ever present alternative to the mind's endemic restlessness and impatience. Scratch the surface of impatience and what you will find lying beneath it, subtly or not so sublty, is anger. It's the strong energy of not wanting things to be the way they are and blaming someone (often yourself) or something for it."

This has helped me today. I am impatient to be well but I'm afraid i have a few montsh to go if not more. It took 3 years to break my body down again with overwork, over exercise, medication and alcohol, overdoing it all around and it will most likely take at least a year to be really well. So I must be patient as I watch others whirl around and have fun. It is not my time. Friends I have left by the wayside to do this thing I have to do alone as a friend told me. It is painful and sad and my dog keeps waiting for me to take him places. I can't. The toxins go slow as they exit even though they entered rapidly
Lonely Girl


-Mirage said...

your doing a great job! Patience is something we all must work on. Life is not going to pass you by and you are not missing much out here in the whirled. You are no good to life if you are no good yourself. Better to keep working on you than be bitter and sick. I for one am quite proud of you!

-Mirage said...

I see you have not been writing much. i call you nearly every day to check on you. Your not doing so well, Im concerned. I opened your blog again today only to see you again have not visited and written and something occurred to me. "Remind Susan to look at the NAME of her blog!" I remember when you were debating about names, you chose this one one. There are reasons beyond your own comprehension as to why you chose it. Perhaps if you keep it simple and re read the name it will help?

Sunamizen said...

Thank you for reminding me
I've been very scared
Sort of scared still
I Love You!My skin is shining.
I want me back too...
Perhaps another few weeks eh?
Golden Virtue