I have what is known by the alternative medical field of MCS as toxicant-induced brain allergy. I call it inflammatory infarctionary inebriation...ay-ay-ay....(and all the while I thought it was allergy to people). In other words..when I get hit with a toxic substance it goes directly to my CNS(Central Nervous System) and brain and short-circuits the wiring. This is an avalanche effect that produces extreme pain...fluid retention and inflammation....irritability...sometimes anger...intense bi-polar-like mood swings followed by a deep dark depression. Sometimes after a HUGE attack a bit suicidal. It is very common. Unfortunately the hidden allergens are like walking through a minefield for me everyday and I could be fine one day and down in hell the next. It is all very frightening and unpredictable and unsettling both for me and others. When you drink certain alcohols especially vodka you will often notice yourself becoming extremely over-emotional. That is an allergic brain reaction to the vodka or one of it's constituents(yeast-potato-wheat). The body senses a toxic substance and the brain reacts. If you give a child a lot of sugar they become hyper and then cranky later as their blood sugar drops. When I am hit my blood sugar drops through the floor the day after the ingestion of the toxin and I must eat several times...every few hours.
The most severe of my allergies is to Phosphate....MSG....and sulfa. Sulfites/sulfates. Yeast. Chicken. Peanut. After that there are many others including garbanzo beans and dairy with the exception of 2 types of Hagen Daz....yippie. my only allowed treat. It is the way the dairy is processed...pasteurization or fermentation. Give me parmesan cheese and I'm a dead man. It is aged. The way I used to like my men. Now it is strong and sweet. Women are allowed to change their minds, aren't they?
Luckily the antihistamine and valium have removed my sex drive so that is working well for me. I call it Divine Intervention. Anyhoo I am trying to find a woman counselor to work with me on abuse and trust issues, this allergic disrder yo-yo-ism and my PTSD or BPD or whatever it is I have. I do now see the relation to ingesting a toxic substance and my brain dysfunction farction and hopefully I can keep out the gremlins. The medication I have been on for the last two years I have been allergic to so that explains a lot of things now. With it out of my system I am suddenly calmer. More Zen.
So back out to be bitten by flies or knot...
If I wanted to be around loud people I'd go to the dam but I don't so I'll just sweat. Drink tons of water and stay cool.
That Iz the Answer To One of My Questions And Maybe Yourn
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