I've been putting this off. Ever since the call. The same day and approximately the same time he shot himself I released a dragonfly caught in a spiderweb and gave it back its life. Was there some significance? Maybe. I did not know that Bob had killed himself until after 4pm. He must have done it around 3. About the same time of the dragonfly rescue. Bob was a bad alcoholic most of his life. He was a man brought up with wealth and fine things and not much of a need to work. When his father passed he was left 400,000 and spent it in a few years shopping. He was a Vietnam Veteran and must have suffered a massive amount mentally in the war. He had a few wives-all beautiful and went on to date my best friend Carol about 10 years ago when she was healthy and very beautiful. He scored. Then he screwed up with alcohol and guns and she kicked him out. Besides he was mentally unstable and lied. He was manipulative and drank a lot secretly. When he realized she was never coming back he went into a drinking binge and fell in his apt and broke his neck and back about 2.5 years ago. He almost died and Carol and I went to the hospital (I was well) and I sang to him and stroked his arm as he was choking to death on the respirator w/pneumonia. He seemed to do a bit better when I did that. He survived and went to the VA and then home to an apt where he suffered endlessly w/pain and his health spiralled down after the drugs they gave him ceased working and he started becoming allergic to them. His liver must have been a mess. Any way I loved Bob. I blew him away recently when I surprised him "A WOMAN" by fixing his TV and hooking up his computer after organizing his apt. so that he could enjoy his belongings and move around. He confessed he was a bit of a chauvinist and was impressed with my techno skills. We did the best we could. It was not enough.
Any way I wanted to post something but since he died I have not been very well and have been unable to focus beyond my life to even do this. Carol is now executor of his estate againts her wishes and is whirling around in the mess he left her. Thinking he was doing her a favor leaving her with his fortune but the cash money that he had was spent frivolously and the bills are coming in daily. Will there be anything left when everything is paid? All the antiques and vehicles and planes and boats sold? I don't know. We don't know. He left the work for her. He could have sold the stuff on his own but instead he shopped. Found women to take care of him. Poor Carol. What did she say when the lawyer told her she was "IT"? That Little Dickens......she said. Shes fuming right now at him as he basically checked out and left her holding the check.....Alcoholics can be selfish they say...she agreed.
All In The Name Of Love
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