Sunday, June 3, 2007

Interesting On Learned Behavior

A woman on the list I belong to had a CFS setback. I just painted the kitchen so I'm next. I have MCS but I go down just like CFS so I prolly have that too!
She had supported a friend going through a tough time and went down herself. This is eggzactly what happens to is what he said...Vince is his name...schmart guy...

"The template model of psychology is one that applies to all species. Behavior is learned and imprinted on a template in our psyche. This is of course a chemical cluster and template is the term for it. Thus a child abused will abuse as thet template is programmed to do so. By helping someone who is going through behavior and symptoms you have experienced the chemical cluster is stimulated. You relive your grief and suffering by witnessing a friend in a similar situation. Hollywood figured this out 70 years ago, Chaplin a genius, was able to make people laugh without words. Hearing an old song will cause some to cry. You will recover from this shortly as it was an inderect stimulus. Hang in there. "

Brilliant explanation.....I'm praying I don't go down from the Latex folks but it made me really nauseous and agitated today....I have friends somewhere but where are they when you need them? Not here.....just wait until the next one asks me to MOVE THEM with my truck!! Solly Charlie....not on my agenda...
Am I bitchy today? A wee bit...chemicals and pain can do that...but I AM tired of always helping others and needing help and not being able to get any....people tend to show up after the grunt work is done in my life. Just the way it has been for wee me....but my family is promising to come hug me and help in a few weeks~yay~ My big brother...and he is BIG..they call him Mr Big!
Overcome By The Fumage

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