Having a rough day. Tried to get off Klonopin onto valium but my body is badly allergic to the sub med. Very frustrated and feeling very isolated and alone. The reason I started the meds in 2001 was to cope with the pain and anxiety of the attacks. At that time I was NOT allergic to the med itself. Now i find i am stuck. Had to reinstate the Klonopin a few minutes ago as i went off it too fast yet again. The muscle spasms are too painful from the attack from the valium. It seems like a nightmare that only became doable after a few drinks. The craving is so intense it's like a wave. It is making me nauseous and depressed. A glass of white wine with the neighbors would ease it but then I might be sick in the morning from the wine so here I sit blogging icing my back. Back on a med I am allergic to yet it calms me down and doesn't produce a severe attack like the valium just muscle pain... What To Do Universe.....????????? I Am Lost In The Surf as I used to be as a small child trying to swim at the beach on Long Island. I kept going under and I still am. Is this all there is? Have I Had Enough Yet? Yes. They say the only way out is through... I failed yet again...I'm in discomfort and nothing will take it away but human touch and I am without that....i wonder if there is anyone out there feeling the same way? I could sure use a buddy. Sunami
Sober Genuine and Spunky Low Maintenance Gardener, Writer And Musician interested in hanging with laid back, funny sober friends, helping people regain their health through holistic medicine and broadening their perspective on interpersonal relationships, spirituality and positivity in order to create their own heaven on earth. Music and Nature seem to be my driving forces and lately just being still in the quietude. Not a member of the rat race and trying to seek balance and peak health amidst the chaos of society. Quieting my mind is my latest challenge....it's like the eveready bunny...it keeps going, and going and going!
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